Wednesday, June 18, 2008
An Insider's Perspective
The purpose of this blog is to provide to the readers (principally members of the Presbytery of Plains and Peaks) an insider's perspective on the 218th GA. For those unfamiliar with me, I am the Executive Presbyter of the Presbytery of Plains and Peaks, which consists of 42 congregations in Northeast Colorado and the Nebraska panhandle ( I also serve on the Advisory Committee on the Constitution, the constitutionally-mandated body of elected volunteers with polity expertise who advise the Assembly on constitutional matters. Mostly, however, I am a "GA junkie" who has attended ten assemblies in a variety of capacities over the years. The opinions here are exclusively my own, and should not be taken to represent the presbytery, the ACC, God, or anyone else. The blog is for information, not conversation. You may send comments to my email (, and if they are helpful I may reference them in a future post. However, I don't want this to devolve into yet another forum for venting by reactive yahoos.